みなさんはじめまして。2019年6月にフレクトへ入社した技術開発室の馮 志聖(マイク)です。
I will introduce some use case about AR and Object Detection.
Augmented Reality(AR)
If you want to know about detail please check wiki.
Recently,JavaScript engines and browsers have become more powerful that building full-blown applications in JavaScript is not only feasible, but increasingly popular.
This is AR base on JS.
And it can customize the target by this website.
This is demo video made by me.
It just take about 5 minutes.
It can use for name card.
Some idea like this flow chart.
AR with Handtrack.js base on TensorFlow.js
TensorFlow is popular AI framework use for Object Detection and image classification.
And google release TensorFlow on JavaScript.
Handtrack.js prepare the AI model of hand.
And this AR frame work on JS.
This is demo made by me.
On this demo it can change the model what ever you want.
IOS ARkit with CoreML
IOS ARkit is powerful.
Check this url.
And I do some test base on this url.
It can use some official function import map marker or route.
Depend on how to customize it.
demo map marker.
demo route.
new augmented reality feature in Google Maps
On this year August Google release AR on Google map.
And if you want to use AR please update Google map application on your phone.
new augmented reality feature in Google Maps
AR world-mapping
AR world-mapping can share data for multi user.
Use Case is Minecraft Earth.
Minecraft Earth - Official Reveal Trailer (AR Game)
AR体験がすごい! マインクラフト Earth先行レビュー。原寸大、位置ゲーモードに夢中
Anyway AR(Augmented Reality) with AI(Artificial Intelligence) will bring MR(Mixed Reality) to this world.
And it will build more convenient future.